Related RegulationsDOCUMENTS▸Essential Points of proposal writing and video oral examination of thesis of the Graduate School of Education of Ming Chuan UniversityEssential Points of proposal writing and video oral examination of thesis of the Graduate School of Education of Ming Chuan University▸Essential Points of thesis advising of the Graduate School of Education for in-service master programEssential Points of thesis advising of the Graduate School of Education for in-service master program▸Essential Points of thesis advising of the Graduate School of EducationEssential Points of thesis advising of the Graduate School of Education▸Core Competency Checklist of Graduate School of EducationCore Competency Checklist of Graduate School of Education▸Implementation Rules for the Master program of the Graduate School of EducationImplementation Rules for the Master program of the Graduate School of Education▸Implementation Rules for the Master program of the Graduate School of EducationImplementation Rules for the Master program of the Graduate School of Education▸Implementation Rules for Graduate Student ScholarshipsImplementation Rules for Graduate Student Scholarships